vf38 turbo vs td04 They should both spool really quick and the vf38 should have better power band at higher rpm Personally I would go with a td04 though MY03 STi Spec C Rally Car - Twin Scroll vs Single Scroll MRT Subaru TD04 19T conversion Robert Arnold•55K views · 6:55 Go to channel
This is the standard equipment turbocharger used on the JDM Legacy MY04-06 The VF38 is a twin-scroll that utilizes a Titanium turbine and shaft IHI VF38 · Mitsubishi TD04 HLA 19T · IHI VF44 · IHI VF45
Hi, been looking through tech posts and struggling Auto is VF38 turbo? Manual TD04 19T ? Is there a difference in downpipe flange? or Wrx and what it Td04 left and Vf48 right Many will speak of the Td04 turbo as the the biggest limitation of the Forester's arsenal