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phpMyAdmin not found on Windows

phpMyAdmin not found on Windows

Daftar localhost phpmyadmin

I installed the mariadb and phpMyAdmin I opened a port in the firewall for a mysql database server In a browser : localhostindex

I recently installed Linux i can't get phpmyadmin when i hit http:localhostphpmyadmin I did the following commends 1)Install the LAMP Server

localhost phpmyadmin เจอปัญหาเข้า phpmyadmin ไม่ได้ หลังจาก install phpmyadmin error ว่า Not Found The requested URL phpmyadmin was not found on this server Apache 12

localhost phpmyadmin Salut les gars, J'ai tout juste installé PHP7MYSQLPHPMYADMINAPACHE2 Je viens des les configurer et quand je vais sur localhostphpmyadmin j'ai la page qui

Regular price 149.00 ฿ THB
Regular price 149.00 ฿ THB Sale price 149.00 ฿ THB
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